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SD Pembangunan UNP


          The beginning of the Development Elementary School in the 2001-2002 Student Year based on the name of SD Development YPKK UNP until the Year 2008 from Know Lessons 2008 exchanged the name of UNP Laboratory Development Elementary School.

          The establishment of the YPKK UNP Development school that moved from the Experimental Public Elementary School, since the Experimental Elementary School became a public school and was recruited by the Education Department of Padang City. The school moved the location of Ujung Gurun Street, Padang Barat District, Padang City. YPKK UNP which is located in the location of the Experiment SDN which is chaired by


1. Drs. Amiruddin, M. Sc. Ed Chairperson of the Foundation / Founder 2001-2002

2. Drs. Zainuar Latief, M. Sc. Ed Headmaster2002 s/d 2004

3. Drs. Zainuar Latief, M. Sc. Ed The foundation's president 2004 s/d 2008

4. Dra. Wirdati Headmaster 2004 s/d 2007

5  Prof. Dr. Prayitno. M. Sc. Ed Director of the UNP Laboratory Development School


6. Mitoti, A. Ma Headmaster 2007 s/d 2014

7. Arni, S. Pd Headmaster 2014  - Until now

About school


Educational level  : Elementary School  (SD)

School Status : Private

School address : West Air Tawar, North Padang, Padang City, West Sumatra 25173, Indonesia.



            Noble personality, achievement, faith and devotion, care for the environment



1. The realization of the learning process that activates students in order developing their potential optimally.

2. The achievement of learning materials in all educational units with elements of lim.

    Namely: IMan and Taqwa, Initiative, Industry, Individual and Interaction.

3. There are 3 successful students namely: Academic success, relationship success social and achievement.

4. There is an opportunity for teachers to develop themselves in the field of science knowledge.



1. Students can study Optimal in order to develop aspects, cognitive, objective and psychomotor

2. Helping parents in channeling their children's education to a higher level

3. Produce students who have basic insight as further education

4. Establish students who are noble through the granting of Islamic religion

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